The SV1-930-Z22 is a powerful and versatile ATEX Z22 certified compressed air vacuum cleaner, useful for various industrial applications. It is equipped with 2 ejectors which, working in parallel, guarantee maximum performance. Each ejector is adjustable to provide more airflow or more vacuum depending on the application. Inside the vacuum cleaner, there is a large surface filter in antistatic polyester (15,000 cm2), M class certified with a filtration efficiency of 1 micron, to vacuum electrostatically charged dust in total safety. An H14 filter is available as an option to pick up the finest dust. To clean the filter there is a very effective manual filter cleaning system as standard. Thanks to a lever outside the filtering chamber, the operator is able to shake the filter and deposit the dust directly in the collection container. A large 45 Lt release container on wheels allows you to easily empty the vacuumed material.