Large Animal Vet Orthopedic Instrument Set
KeeboVet Kit includes high quality instruments 4.5mm, 6.5mm for orthopedic surgery. Does not include plates and screws.
Aluminum Case with Strong Lid and 4.5/6.5mm Screw Rack
- Neutral & Loaded Drill Guide 3.2
- Depth Gauge 30mm
- Countersink Drill 8
- Broken Screw Exteriorizer
- Plate Bending Forceps 2x1
- Periosteal Elevator Flat 16
- Periosteal Elevator Round 8
- Screwdriver (hex) Driver Nut sw 3.5
- Hohmann Retractor 2x1
- HA 4.5 Tap
- HA 6.5 Tap
- Skid Exteriorizer sw 3.5mm
- Reduction Forceps
- Curved Reduction Forceps
- Self-centering Forceps (two)
- Drill Bit - 3.2x150 (two)
- Drill Bit - 4.5x150 (two)
- C-Shaped Guider 3x1
- Drill Bushing 3.2/4.5mm
- Drill Bushing 4.5/6.5mm
- Screw Holding Forceps